XUCKY Miniature circuit breakers are small-size devices used to manually open/close circuit sections and to protect electrical circuits against short-circuit and overload currents. XUCKY supplies devices for circuits with any specifications (single-, two-, three, and four-pole circuit breakers). The design of all MCBs features connection options for monitoring, control and service accessories.
● Residential Applications: MCBs are extensively used in homes for protecting lighting circuits, socket outlets, and appliances.
● Commercial Buildings: In offices, malls, and other commercial spaces, MCBs protect lighting systems, HVAC systems, and IT infrastructure.
● Industrial Applications: They are used in factories, plants, and machinery to safeguard power supplies, motors, and control circuits.
● Renewable Energy Systems: MCBs play a crucial role in protecting solar PV systems, wind turbines, and other renewable energy installations.
● Transportation: In electric vehicles, trains, and marine vessels, MCBs ensure the safety of onboard electrical systems.